Watching my portfolio I can definitely say I'm more of a Lord of the Rings/Dungeons&Dragons kind of guy. However, there are 2 sci-fi movies which had a huge impact on me when I watched them as a kid during the 80s: "Star Wars" (original trilogy) and "Blade Runner". I remember being completely blown away the first time I saw "A New Hope". "Blade Runner", on the other hand, was a bit different. As I watched it over and over again I slowly started to realize the masterpiece it was. What I admire most are the moods...the constant rain and darkness, the blue/green hues, the lonesomeness, the smoke, the juxtaposition of different architectural styles, the soundtrack...everything just brilliant! One might think that some of these aspects would equal discomfort, but they are portrayed in such a romantic way that they become captivating and soothing.
So, concluding...this painting is an homage (another one) to this superb movie.